Kvietimas jaunimo vadovams - mokymai Italijoje

20 - 26 m. amžiaus jaunimo vadovai kviečiami į mokymus Italijoje, drauge su Prancūžijos, Graikijos, Latvijos, Romunijos, Čekijos jaunimu. 

Mokymai vyks gegužės 31 - 29 d. Sicilijoje, Italijoje.

Jei jau turi patirites vadovaujant tarptautinei jaunimo grupei ir vis trokšti įgyti naujų kompetencijų vadovaujant, problemų ir konfliktų sprendime, komandinio darbo organizavime ir komunikacijos šie mokymai laukia Tavęs.

Mokymai finansuojami programos Erasmus Plus. 

Daugiau apie mokymus ir kvietimą dalyvauti, žemiau pateiktame originaliame kvietime. 


Are you a young leader aged between 20-26 years old?

Have you some experiences in leading group of international young people during volunteering activities? 
Are you interested in getting new competencies on leadership, resolution of problems and conflicts,  teamwork and communication skills while organising youth internationa projects?

Then, the Training Course "Youth Work For Employability" is a good chance for improving your skills!

The project is supported by the Erasmus Plus Programme and it will gather 22 young people from 10 different european Countries.
Board and Loadging are covered during the Training Course and travel cost are refunded up to a limit.
For further information please have a look at the document in attachment.

Objectives of the training course are:

  • to improve cross-competencies of participants such as leadership, prevention management and resolution of problems and conflicts, teamwork skills, communication, etc. 
  • to improve the intercultural competences of participants by working in an international context
  • to improve and deepen knowledge of participants in the use of NF approaches and methods to enhance transversal skills for young people's employability
  • to get awareness of the phenomenon of youth unemployment at the European level
  • to strengthen skills of participants in conducting projects involving young people with fewer opportunities and multicultural groups
  • to share good practices among partner organizations and improve the quality of youth work. 

For further information, practicalities, reimbursement rules and application forma please read THIS DOCUMENT (https://goo.gl/ANm3LJ)

Deadline to apply is 10/05/2018

For further information write to [email protected]

Euroyouth mailing list
[email protected]
